"I told you that the deceptions will intensify at the end of the year," Pastor Chris re-affirms concerning the current affairs of Covid-19 globally
Your LoveWorld Special Edition with Pastor Chris, culminating each day of the End-of-the-Year 3-Day Prayer and Fasting with Pastor Chris, kicked off today, Tuesday, 29th of December, 2020.
During this LIVE broadcast, Pastor Chris shares some vital truths about the Global Covid-19 Debacle; evident to the Deception and Falsity about the virus, tests, lockdowns and vaccines that are being disseminated to the general public all around the world.
Check out the links below for more details:
Kindly remember to Like, Share and Stay tuned to LoveWorld News for more exciting updates on events with Pastor Chris.
Divine Wrote
Thank you so much Pastor Sir, for opening our minds to the truth. We remain fearless, and we continue to pray knowing that we stop the lm from carrying out their evil deeds. Glory be to the Lord Most High for granting us the authority to make changes. Hallelujah
Angel I. Wrote
True salvation that is found in Christ alone, by grace through faith, not of good works lest anyone boasts! (Ref. Ephesians 2:8) For All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God! (Romans 3:23) Only God is perfect, so The Perfect God came down in the form of Man and died to save His imperfect creation from eternal destruction. Jesus cares for you, no matter who you are or what you've done. He thought of you on that cross. Jesus loves whoever reads this(Yes YOU!) and He is coming!! When many disappear from the earth, It's was the Rapture! I pray you get ready and stay ready! FOR TODAY IS THE DAY OF SALVATION! |Romans 10:9-10 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.| God sent His one and only Son to come die on the cross for us, He took that punishment that we deserve so u can have eternal life ( John 3:16 ) Please accept Christ and Live for Him today! Our tomorrow is not promised but your place in eternity, either Heaven and eternal Life by accepting Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-10) or Hell and eternal death by not accepting Jesus Christ is (John 12:48-49), is promised!! . . John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. AND DON'T GET THE VACCINE!
Nyathi Nyasaye Wrote
Thank you so so much Pastor Chris for educating the Church of Jesus Christ and preparing us for the coming glorious rapture. Because of your teachings, I have learnt a lot about the end times, my eyes are open regarding the events happening in the world right now. God bless you sir for being a global prophetic voice to our generation. I love you sir. Shalom
Increase Abarowe Wrote
Thank you for the brave effort to keep us informed.
Benjamin Likuyi Wrote
I really thank God for directing me to know you Pastor sir through media platform. Through you I have come to the realization of God's Grace, Love and kindness to me. Thank you so much for the insight reality sir. For sure the Wisdom of God is in us through you sir.
Benjamin Likui Wrote
I really thank God for directing me to know you Pastor sir through media platforms. Since I knew you from 2013 my life changed sir. And for sure God's Grace is Sufficient. Thank you for the insight reality in the things of God. Thank you so much sir. I love you.
lanre oyetunji Wrote
This is inspiring as it's comforting! Thank You PastorChris, thank you Esteemed ceflix and Esteemed lwnews, also.
Leekae Wrote
Thank you Pastor for the truth you have made available to us. Knowledge is power and now we are equipped for the intrusion into the world's confusion and ignorance. Introducing a Righteous Invasion Of Truth "RIOT"